1.1 / Background and Research Objectives
With the support of EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syria Crisis - the MADAD Fund, and the Regional Development and Protection Programme (RDPP), the LEADERS Consortium (composed of ACTED, Danish Refugee Council, CARE, Oxfam, Makhzoumi Foundation and Save the Children) aims to contribute to the economic empowerment, resilience and social stability of displaced populations in Jordan and Lebanon as prioritized by the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP).
The consortium’s action in Lebanon focuses on fostering the country’s social stability, by contributing to the economic resilience of host communities in the Beqaa Governorate and providing adequate response to the Syrian refugee crisis. The consortium’s interventions are also aligned with resilience and livelihoods priorities underlined in the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP), by proposing solutions based on the needs of the local populations.
The LEADERS consortium also seeks improved awareness within supported enterprises as well as workers and jobseekers on decent working conditions and discriminatory practices in the workplace. This is done through various activities which include a study of the regulatory barriers, examples of best practices and an assessment of decent working conditions as outlined by the Lebanese Labour Law.
During the first phase of implementation, the consortium identified construction, food services, and agro-industry as economic sectors that show potential for growth and capacity to offer economic opportunities. A skill gap analysis was completed and identified gaps and the corresponding skills needed by the private sector. A market analysis was conducted and provided an in-depth analysis of three pre-selected sectors – construction, food services and food processing – in order to identify the market dynamics, characteristics, opportunities and challenges for their growth.
This paper seeks to look at the dynamics, figures, obstacles and opportunities for improving decent working conditions in the Beqaa Valley with an emphasis on working conditions in the construction, food services, and agro-industry sectors in, specifically in the districts of Baalbek and Zahle. The paper will focus on:
• The dynamics between employers and employees
• Trends at the workplace like work patterns, working hours and shifts, and equal pay
• Potential violation of workers’ rights
• Systematic exploitation of vulnerable groups
The objective is to provide an exhaustive overview of working conditions in the selected sectors and locations listed above. The research will also provide the LEADERS consortium with recommendations for future interventions and programming.